About Millefiori

Millefiori / DMG (digitally made glass) is the next logical, or perhaps illogical, step towards trying to capture some of the light, life and vibrancy that you will find in studio glass, on paper, inspired by a visit to Murano, and the millefiori works they make there.

Millefiori tend to be quite small glass objects, often paperweights, broadly made by cutting lengths of multicoloured glass rods, and fusing them into larger pieces, dense with colour, intricacy and detail.

Taking that inspiration as my starting point, I’ve drawn a fairly random collection of glazed pebbles, and set them within a circular form, with no particular rhythm outside of the four circles that contain them.

Each is then sculpted internally to contain a four, five, six or seven pointed star form, with a kind of abstracted flower at its core.

It’s probably the most complex piece I’ve built to date, and really needs to be seen at scale, in the flesh, to really understand the detail and colour that it contains.

Link here to view the pigment print edition ⟶


Price and dimensions

Millefiori / DMG / silver base is a metallic Lambda photographic print, optionally mounted to Plexiglass and Dibond, cut to shape, and fitted with a hidden subframe, ready to install.

Work can be supplied unmounted and ready to frame if you’d prefer.

The work is individually signed and numbered verso, with both a unique catalogue raisonné number and the edition number for guaranteed authenticity.

From an edition of 8
Image size 120cm diameter
Artwork only, ready to frame £2,800
Mounted behind Plexiglass and fitted with a hidden subframe £3,400

Purchase this work ⟶

Dimensions and framing specs can be varied on request, to suit your space.
Please do get in touch here if you’d like to discuss possibilities ⟶


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