Bloom / editioned

Bloom EPC 01 img01 1500px.jpg

Ros Ford and I completed the Bloom edition last week at BV Studios, and after 4 or 5 days drying time, the completed, editioned, etchings are packed and in the post to my Experimental Print Club members today.

It's been a fascinating process working with Ros on the etching. For clarity, Ros made the copper plate, and has done all the inking and printing, my input has been the original drawing, the film work, all the digital stuff, and the print finishing. I've chosen to leave one naturally deckled edge, and 3 cut sides, partly to show orientation, but primarily to make a real feature of the beautiful softened edge of the handmade Somerset paper. All the prints also have a full watermark in the bottom r/h corner.

So this first edition is limited to six prints, a printer's proof, and a couple of artist's proofs. They've been mailed out to Wisconsin, and Stornaway, amongst other places. As per the idea for the club, the print won't ever be re editioned, so that's it for this piece, the work that's been mailed out today is the whole edition. A moment in time.

I'm already working on the next piece(s) so I'll look forward to posting some more information here as the summer comes in, about what I'm planning to make. The next piece will be in colour, probably laser cut, and will be a solo project by me. But I am also planning on collaborating further with local friends and artists on future editions... hopefully with some quite well known mid career British artists.

If you’d like to know more about my print club, it’s hosted online by Patreon here -

I hope the Spring is beautiful where you are - with best wishes - Chuck

Chuck Elliott

Contemporary British artist, b1967, Camberwell, London.

Hampstead AAF 2016


The London Original Print Fair 2016