Happy Christmas, 2015


I thought it might be a good time to send out a blog post about my Patreon page, to mark the end of the year, and let you know a little more about what I've been working on. Maybe you'll be able to find a quiet moment over the holidays to have look at some of the content, here's hoping!

In the meantime, I'd like to thank you for your support this autumn, it's been really heartening to find a small group of collectors who are on board with this idea, and prepared to proactively support the process, so in view of that fact, I'm planning to go a little overboard with the first edition!

As the autumn has progressed, I've been making plans to start printing works for the first edition of this Experimental Print Club, which I currently think will comprise two unique new works, and a signed catalogue.

The first print takes a new drawing I've made, digitally, which I'm planning to produce as a monochrome etching, with the help of my friend, and expert etcher (if that's even a real term) Ros Ford (http://ros-ford.co.uk). She works at Spike Print (http://www.spikeprintstudio.org) and BV Studios (http://www.bvstudios.co.uk) here in Bristol, and has kindly agreed to aid and abet with the transfer of a simple, but I think elegant, digital drawing, to be produced as a monochrome aquatint etching on handmade paper.

|In part to avoid disappointment at the prospect of only receiving a monochrome work, from an artist who's clearly all about colour, I thought I'd better make a more hue centric piece to work alongside the etching. So

The second is likely to be altogether more elaborate. A C-type metallic Lambda print, with laser cutting, to be applied to a handmade paper base sheet, with blind embossing. I hope it'll combine high and lo tech processes into a singular, refined work. We'll see! 

I'm planning to experiment with the newly available laser cutting facility at The Centre for Fine Print Research (CFPR) at UWE, Bower Ashton, here in Bristol (http://www.uwe.ac.uk/sca/research/cfpr/research/lasers/). Whilst the print itself will no doubt be made at Tapestry, who tend to make all of my photographic print editions.

I've also been working on a couple of other projects this December. The first is a new promotional catalogue, entitled Edit 2016, which I'm planning to have ready for the London Art Fair in January, where I'll be exhibiting work with TAG Fine Arts.

If you'd like to view the catalogue online, it's stored on the Adobe servers here https://indd.adobe.com/view/5fb889b2-ec9d-4609-9f90-d034fea183e7

I'll look forward to putting a signed copy of it in with the first editions, when I send them out in March or April, to be confirmed!

If you'd like a free pass for the fair, please do drop me a line, and I'll get one sent out to you, or I may be able to get tickets left on the door. Fair dates are 20th to 24th January, and the venue is The Business Design Centre, Islington. The fair website is here http://www.londonartfair.co.uk and TAG Fine Arts pages are here http://www.tagfinearts.com

Finally for now, I've pasted a link here  https://vimeo.com/146098516 to a first look at a new piece of screen art that I'm working on, also pasted at the top of this newsletter as a lo res animated gif. Effectively, as the power of desk top computers has increased, so it's becoming possible to create 4k screen art sequences for display on monitors and or projectors. It's fascinating to be able to add time and motion to the studies, and I'm planning to do quite a lot more work in this area in 2016, perhaps including a London show of the initial studies.

I hope you have a great break over the holiday period, and I'll look forward to being able to post some photos of works in progress and on press in the New Year.

With best wishes - Chuck

PS I've just started posting a few images on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/chuckelliottuk/

Chuck Elliott

Contemporary British artist, b1967, Camberwell, London.


EDIT 2016


Tower 42