Hive #1 / EPC / duality : singularity

I’ve been working on a new series of drawings called Hive. It’s currently unclear exactly how these studies are going to ultimately manifest themselves, but I suspect it’ll be as a series of large format panels, possibly in sequence. For the moment, however, I thought I’d print a single, smaller component of the series as a new piece for my Experimental Print Club. I’ve been thinking about the nature and problem of working in a rapidly climate changing world, and how best to integrate that thinking with my daily studio practice, both as a series of reflections, which is a large part of what the studio is about I think, and as physical works that can create some kind of response to the concepts we’re being asked to consider, and act on.

Hive is of course the idea of a series of interconnected spaces in which a population can form a resilient community in order to thrive, so it’s a lovely structure to work with, both in that sense and in a purely mathematical and geometrical way too.

The idea of ‘duality : singularity’ comes from my current understanding of how I’m both enjoying the trappings of contemporary urban life, whilst also understanding that we now need to rapidly change our systems to accommodate the scientific realities of the climate crisis. In so doing I feel as though I’m simultaneously living within two systems, a duality, one that is business as usual, and one that is trying to reshape our systems in favour of a new low carbon future.

There’s a lot of interesting maths and science involved in the ideas of duality and singularity too, for those who’d like to explore these ideas further, this wikipedia explainer is a good jumping in point -

I’m planning to continue working in this vein, and hope it may lead to some new ways of seeing, and maybe understanding, the essential changes that we are going to need to make over the coming decades. It seems entirely right that artists should have some agency in that thinking, especially at a personal level.

If you’d like to join my Print Club and receive experimental works on paper by post maybe four times a year, please do get in touch - - and I’ll send you more details. The club is funded by a monthly subscription fee priced at $30 and is designed to create a space for making smaller new works alongside my core practice…

Hive #1 / EPC / duality : singularity

Edition of 10

10 colour pigment print on Hahnemühle

Cut, debossed and mounted onto Saunders Waterford, 300gsm 100% cotton acid free paper, St Cuthberts Mill, Somerset.

Sheet size 300mm W x 320mm H

Inked area 180mm W x 195mm H

Chuck Elliott

Contemporary British artist, b1967, Camberwell, London.

interStella / QUAD


Experimental Print Club #11