Laser cutting R2 at Bristol Design Forge

I spent a fascinating afternoon at Bristol Design Forge yesterday, making an initial test cut on a pair of metallic Lambda prints, working towards completing the 3rd edition for my Experimental Print Club.

In essence, the laser cutting technology allows for incredibly fine cutting of the photographic paper, which I've then reassembled onto a thin sheet of metallic gold card.

Having completed the whole edition to this stage, I'm planning on revisiting the design forge to pierce the sheet a second time, in order to reveal a bearer sheet of white Somerset paper which will hold the completed work. Effectively it's a kind of digital Chine-collé...

R2 helios EPC 03 img03 1000px.jpg
R2 helios EPC 03 img05 1000px.jpg
Chuck Elliott

Contemporary British artist, b1967, Camberwell, London.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre commission, NYC


Flow 8VO / 1080p 3 minute edit / Patreon Experimental Print Club, edition 2 ready to post