
Hope this finds you well. I've been enjoying myself working up the artwork for the latest Club edition, #17, attached here. The working title is Vox linea / EPC #17 / platinum edition.

I've had the idea for this monochrome drawing in the back of my mind for a couple of years now, it's one of those things that I was ultra confident would work out well, when once I actually got around to sitting down and working it all out. In many ways I'm happier with it than I had expected to be, which is good!

The piece is about the space contained within the picture plane, and the way the forms bisect, interlock, and speak to each other. As ever, I would reference both Nude Descending a Staircase by Marcel Duchamp, and the Three Graces by Canova as inspiration for this kind of work, filtered through the digital of course.

Marcel Duchamp Nude descending a staircase no 2.jpg

I hope it also picks up on some of the beauty contained in Naum Gabo's woodblock pieces, which seem to me to have the most poetic linework. I think I may have mentioned these before!

Naum Gabo Opus Ten.jpg

I've been chatting with Max Caffell at 31 Studio, and as far as I understand it, he's going to start making an initial proof later in the week. I've asked him to take a few photos of work in progress for us too, so hopefully, we'll get a few glimpses from his studio quite soon.

Should be interesting. I've been enjoying his website, and am particularly struck by some of the amazing images he has there, a real cracker of Samuel Beckett amongst many others. Beautiful examples of the printmaker's art.


I thought this link to the Atlas Gallery might make for a great place to rummage, if you're interested in viewing some of the work 31 Studio have been making

And there's an interesting interview with them here too - 31 Studio interview 

Atlas Gallery ScrenShot.jpg

I'll look forward to sending more news soon, and hopefully the prints not long after that...

With best regards - Chuck

Chuck Elliott

Contemporary British artist, b1967, Camberwell, London.


Edition #17 dispatched today


Vox linea, platinum EPC, edition #17, pt 1