Stellify EPC in progress, Feb 5th 2019


Thought it was about time I sent over a sketch of my latest Print Club offering. Not entirely sure where the work is headed yet, but thought you might be interested to see an in progress image -  Stellify EPC v04 SET_A 12k COMP v09 FLAT. You can tell from the working title that there have been quite a few iterations of this piece already.

It was and still is my intention to work some foil onto the surface of the work, hopefully in four different colours, which I hope will really make it sing. Having tried the idea of cutting and gluing the foil by hand last time, I'm going to go with something a little more sophisticated for this piece! Rik at Ripe Digital who is advising me on foiling hasn’t tried multiple passes / colours before, generally (as with airport novels) a single foil is applied at the end of the process for most commercial print, so running the print work through four times for four colours should be interesting. There may be some mis registration, but I think the image can stand that. I've already built in a number of quite dynamic mis registered lines so we’ll see. The initial temptation is to make the work at 12” sq, for all the obvious reasons. Hopefully it’ll bring a blast of colour and light into your home quite soon…

The project that’s really been slowing down my studio work in recent months is a substantial new website that I’ve been building myself. Quite a steep learning curve! It’s about 95% complete, so I’m hoping to launch it really soon. All in all I’ve edited over 1500 images for the site, many of them new photos of work in situ, and there are about 200 pages, almost all with copy, so there’s been quite a lot of text to write too. It’s all hyper linked to stuff I think is of interest, or at least relevant, as well as being substantially linked internally, so you can see different images of similar works at linked shows, etc. And of course I’ve catalogued all the Print Club pieces on the site too, so I hope it’ll be of real interest!


I have to say I quite like January. Unlike the summer there are very few distractions to tempt me out from the relative warmth of the studio here, so I’ve been enjoying some long days working, and feel as though things are getting done. That said, I did make it up to the RA to see the Renzo Piano show just before it closed, and am posting a rather beautiful video he made for it here, you can view it if you follow the link and scroll down. His modular and highly sculptural approach to building remains inspirational I think.


The RA are following up with what looks set to be a great Bill Viola show, which was featured on the BBC this week, link here, which I think will also be a must visit.


And later in the winter / early spring there’s Collect coming up at the Saatchi gallery, which is always fabulous. Maybe two to do on the same trip...


Really enjoyed listening to Joni Mitchell live at the BBC in 1970 whilst drawing today, she seems to me to be at the top of her already fabulous game in this recording, so I thought I’d mention that here too! Just in case you're Joni fans too, and who isn't?


Finally for now, I’m exhibiting at The Other Art Fair at the Truman Brewery in early March, so if you’d like a free pass for the show, do let me know, and I’ll send one out to you. I’m looking forward to it! Should be a good chance to meet up with some old friends, and hopefully meet a few new people to work with too. We’ll see…

Thanks as ever for your ongoing support - looking forward to getting this new edition out to you - best - Chuck

Chuck Elliott

Contemporary British artist, b1967, Camberwell, London.

New website launched today!


Happy New Year!