Moving Image Art : 3
MIA: 3 is the third instalment of an annual exhibition initiated by PhD students and staff of the University of the West of England, Bristol.
The exhibition features new video and digital work by students, staff and related artists making work funded by the University’s video art bursary scheme in partnership with Bristol Museum, Knowle West Media Centre, MShed, Arnolfini and Spike Island.
This is an ideal opportunity for audiences new to this area to see a range of video works and moving image art and understand why it excites the interest of a wide range of creative people.

Analogue to Post Digital, BFX Conference, 2015
I’m looking forward to presenting a recent paper at the BFX Conference this September, which Dr Sarah Sparke, CMIR, UWE (Centre for Moving Image Research, University of the West of England) and I have co-written this autumn.
Entitled ‘Looking back to go Forwards: tensions and missed opportunities. A case-study of continuities and breaks in practice and technologies’ the paper examines the ways in which current curatorial practice and pricing mechanisms may be putting a brake on the uptake of contemporary digital techniques being used, and commodified, both in the commercial gallery sector, and the wider arts community.