Tracer / WIP / work in progress


Recent posts seem to have been a bit ‘show heavy’, contrary to my best intention to use this blog to publish a little more of the work that never gets past the studio door. With that in mind, these are some images I’ve been experimenting with, based on the idea of tracing light.

The geometry comprises hundreds of quadrants, each one conforming to a few basic rules, that ultimately create a kind of ball of wire or light. The core criteria for modelling is that no wire should intersect with another, and that the whole must be contiguous, a single piece, and rejoin, so that there are no loose ends. Apart from that, it’s pretty free form. The renders currently use base colours, to view the geometry more easily, I’ll be working a few of these images up with more defined colour palettes next…

Chuck Elliott

Contemporary British artist, b1967, Camberwell, London.

Faster looser


Varnishing Day, RWA Open 2013