An apartment in Bath, Summer 2016

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Earlier in the Spring I was commissioned to make five new pieces for a beautifully refurbished apartment in Bath. It's been a great opportunity to create some really large works at up to 240cm / 8ft wide, designed specifically to illuminate this fabulous Georgian home.

These photos were taken on the install day, so the apartment is only partially furnished...

This is Elemental / white crest with a Diasec mount, produced at 240cm W x 140cm H, from an edition of 4

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Darbyshire Framing delivering Elemental ahead of the install, I hope this shot gives some sense of the scale of the work

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Lino / venetian, at 100cm diameter, installed in the kitchen diner

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Torsion / silvered at 168cm H, a three panel work hanging in the stairwell

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Breather produced at 240cm W, edition of 4, hanging in the pool room

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Breather / a detail of the work photographed in situ

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Lino / venetian, close up

Chuck Elliott

Contemporary British artist, b1967, Camberwell, London.

Radial / TWO / helios helianthus / Second edition / Patreon Experimental Print Club


Hampstead AAF 2016