An apartment in Bath, Summer 2016

An apartment in Bath, Summer 2016

Earlier in the Spring I was commissioned to make five new pieces for a beautifully refurbished apartment in Bath. It's been a great opportunity to create some really large works at up to 240cm / 8ft wide, designed specifically to illuminate this fabulous Georgian home.

These photos were taken on the install day, so the apartment is only partially furnished...

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Elemental, Works on Plexiglass, Work, All Posts Chuck Elliott Elemental, Works on Plexiglass, Work, All Posts Chuck Elliott


I’ve been working on some new images, and editing some of the pieces I put together in the second half of 2013, ahead of the Battersea AAF, which opens in a few weeks, on Weds 12th March. This piece is one of six or more new pieces I’ll be exhibiting on stand J10 with the Transistor project, an artists group I often work with. We’re putting together a new website, the 4th iteration since we started in 2005, and I’m looking forward to being able to post more news about that shortly.

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